by Laura

My name is Laura Perez Gavidia, and my story began the day that I started having joint pain at the age of 18. 

Ever since then, I started analyzing and reading about natural ways on how to treat pain without any medications I would later become dependent on. This is how I came across veganism and also became aware that I was doing things in life the wrong way. I was sleeping bad, skipping meals and stressing too much, and on top of that not eating enough veggies. 

Beetabella is is a blog dedicated to recipes and inspiration for a lifestyle away from medications and free from stress as much as possible!


“Beet” in Spanish (Betabel) + “Ella” = Beetabella
I changed the name of the blog twice before staying with this name!
Take a wild guess at what the original two names were going to be.
The first name was going to be “The Sweet Potato Life”/ Then, I changed my mind to “HeartBeet” but at the end I ended up changing my mind again, and I am super glad I did!


With simple eyes you only see food and the tasty values it holds. With enlightened eyes you’re able to discern that food should be more than just flavor; it should be the most powerful and clean fuel for your body to make sure you maximize its physical, emotional and spiritual capabilities.
Adopting a plant-based diet has afforded me a second chance to a life full of energy and smiles, a life where I do not need to depend on medications to be able to function.